8 Things To Consider Before You Start Your Move

You have a lot to think about when moving into a new home, and it goes beyond unpacking and moving your furniture around. You may think the hard part is over because you were successfully able to secure a home loan and get your offer accepted by a seller. However, the adventure is just beginning because there are tons to do before settling in.
Learning about your house and how it works is a first step many first-time home buyers skip because they assume there will be no problems. However, all houses have problems, and you may have to spend some serious money fixing them to ensure your home is safe after moving in. Deciding which projects to take first can help you plan your time and budget easier. Here are things to consider before you start your move.
The best time to do a walkthrough of your home is before you move your belongings into it because there will be nothing in the way. When the home is empty, you can see every crack in the walls or broken screens on windows. Check every outlet and switch to ensure there are no problems with the electricity. Make sure the previous owner made all the repairs, everything included in the sale is present, and everything works correctly as you walk through your new home.
Now is also the perfect time to remove dirt and mold in the home, so bring a few cleaning supplies with you just in case. If you find any issues with the home that go against the contract, call your realtor immediately. For example, if the previous owner was supposed to leave the laundry machines but took them, you’ll have recourse that will need to be settled. Any issues not covered in your contract will be your responsibility, so knowing what’s broken and what needs to be repaired now is a great way to start building a realistic budget.
Children and Pets
If you have children and pets, you may need to child-proof or pet-proof your new home to keep everyone safe. You can start gating off areas before your child or pet comes to the new home. Always cover outlets and check windows to ensure they’re secured.
Design Planning
Once you’re in the home, you can start trying to figure out which pieces of furniture should go where. This planning process will save you tons of time when moving in and carrying heavy objects. Even though you may already have a basic idea of where things should go, you may want to think about it to ensure your furniture will fit. Of course, you can make changes later on, but planning now will help when you need to tell the movers where to put heavy objects.
Set Up Utilities
You should set up your utilities before you move to ensure you’ll have power the day you move in. On moving day, check your electricity, gas, water, heating and cooling, phone, and internet, to ensure everything is set up properly the day of the move. You’ll also need to call your waste management company to get set up for garbage collection.
As soon as you move into your new home, you’ll need to ensure it’s secure. On the day of your move, have your locks changed and give everyone who needs a key a new one. You may also choose to set up a security system. It can be difficult to feel safe in a new place, so a security system will give you peace of mind until you get to know the area a little better. Installing motion detectors, cameras, and a smart doorbell can help you feel safer and allow you to keep your family and pets safe while you’re away.
Change Your Address
If you haven’t changed your address already, you should do so before moving to your new home. Forward all your mail and bills to your new home and let your employer know your new address. You may also need to call your bank and insurance provider and update your license.
Now that you’ve scoped out the house and started the process of moving, it’s time to dive right into packing. Remember, you don’t want to feel stressed on moving day, so it’s always best to have a plan of attack when packing up your belongings. Once you have all the necessary packing supplies, including boxes and markers, you can begin going room by room and packing up items you won’t need until after you move. Make sure to pack canvases and other important items with bubble wrap so they’re secure.
If you start early enough, packing doesn’t have to be a burden; instead, you can pack a few boxes every day without ever getting overwhelmed. When it’s finally time to move, you can hire a moving company to take care of all of the heavy objects so you won’t have to.
Before you start packing, consider all the items you won’t be taking with you to your new home and what you’ll do with them. For example, moving is the perfect time to reassess whether or not you need all the clothes and furniture you may have accumulated over time. If you don’t plan on bringing everything, you may need to donate a few items and toss others in the trash.
Hire a Moving Compan
There are always a few things you don’t want to move by yourself, but you may not need a moving company to move all of your belongings to a new home. If you want to save a few hundred dollars on the move, you can hire a moving company for just the larger, heavier objects you need to move.
Hiring a moving company for only a few things means you’ll also need to rent a truck and move everything else yourself, which will be exhausting and time-consuming, but it can save you money. You also have the option of having a moving company move everything for you if you don’t want to do any of it yourself.
Final Thoughts
Moving is a complex process that involves more than just the daunting task of packing and unpacking your belongings. By planning ahead of time, you can save yourself time and stress when moving into a new home.
Ashley Nielsen
Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.