Deep Cleaning Your House: How To Do It

Cleaning your entire house can be a tall order let alone deep cleaning your entire living space. This can be because of some anxiety or you might feel overwhelmed just by the thought of having to clean your living area. To help with this, it is important that you start off by breaking down everything that you need to do into smaller and more manageable tasks. With this deep house-cleaning guide, you will be able to deep clean your house with minimal hassle and anxiety.
How To Go About Deep Cleaning?
Here are sure-fire steps to take when you are starting off to deep clean your house:
Always Declutter
Before you even think about mopping or dusting off surfaces, start off by decluttering your living space. Get rid of anything that should not be on the floor and remove everything that is on the floor that should not be there. Clearing clutter off surfaces allows you to have a much easier time wiping and scrubbing surfaces which helps you stay motivated throughout the entire deep cleaning process.
Start With Higher Surfaces Before Going Low
We recommend beginning your deep cleaning process by attacking surfaces that are relatively inaccessible or that are large and relatively inaccessible as they might be in higher areas such as your ceiling or light fixtures. There are many tools that can make accessing these surfaces easier such as a clean microfiber mop or a duster that comes with a telescoping handle. When it comes to surfaces closer to the floor, there will definitely be more built-up dirt and dust. Thus, we recommend using warm water mixed with just a drop of dish soap. In bathrooms, add a splash of white vinegar to the mixture. This helps to prevent molding.
Deep Clean Your Windows!
Start off by cleaning your window sills and tracks. Invest in a good glass cleaner and start cleaning it off from top to bottom. Allow the glass cleaner to rest for about sixty seconds before you squeegee the substance off your windows. If you wipe in the different directions for your inside and outside windows, streaks that you need to fix will become more visible which can aid in making it easier for you to fix them. Having clean windows can make your space much cleaner than without cleaning them!!
Caring For Your Shades and Blinds
Instead of constantly removing your curtains and blinds, all you need is a vacuum. Attach a brush to your vacuum and vacuum your curtains or blinds. You can also choose to throw your curtains in a dryer for a few minutes while wiping down the rods and rings, and you can pop them right back on. This will save you a lot of time and effort.
Dust On Surfaces
A furniture cleaner and polish together with a cloth will do the trick in wiping off all hard surfaces. To achieve a quicker cleaning process, put a clean tube sock on one hand to dust surfaces whilst moving away from objects that are in the way with your other hand. To top it off, use a lint roller when targeting dust on lampshades.
Deep Clean Your Floors
After all the dusting and wiping, it is time to attack your floor. By the time you have reached this stage, your floor would be filled with dust balls and gunk that has fallen from all the surfaces that you have previously dusted off, wiped, and scrubbed off. To do this you need to move your furniture together with larger furniture like beds and sofas. You can find ‘furniture slides’ that you can place under such larger furniture to make them easier to move during your cleaning process. If your floor at home is hard, cleaning it with a mop and a cleaner that is suitable for the surface will do the trick. For carpets, renting a professional-grade cleaner helps heaps. If you live with pets or kids, you will probably have to clean out your carpets more frequently so getting your own would be a good idea as well.