What You Need To Have in Your Guest Bedroom

Are you planning a home remodel? When making any changes to your house, it is good to factor in a space for all the people that want to visit you. When designing your perfect guest room, keep these five factors in mind to guarantee your room will be the best part of their vacation.
A Great Bed
The main point of any guest room is the bed. A great bed should give your guests lumbar support and comfort for the entirety of their trip. If you are looking for mattress shopping tips, take the time to consider first what size bed you will need. Look at the room you have designated for visitors and decide what size bed best meets the needs of the room. Next, think about your expectations for the mattress and what would be best for your guest. Depending on the size you choose, you have some restrictions on types of mattresses, but you want to remember to look at the firmness and support it offers.
Storage Space
Depending on how long a guest is going to stay, they may need some storage space. You want to choose furniture that is easy to use but not so big the guests will feel they can overstay their welcome. Take the time to pick the perfect guest room furniture to create an idyllic space. Start by choosing the bedside table. You can get items that have charging ports and lights so that your guests can easily take care of their electronics while they rest. You also want to have a dresser for them to store their clothes no matter how long they plan to stay. These features will help your visitors take care of their belongings and feel welcome during their vacation.
Some Entertainment
Even if you plan every hour of the day, your guests will want to have some time to entertain themselves and decompress in private. Knowing how to make the most out of your extra room will help you create a space that has a use no matter who is using it. Start by deciding what you would want when visiting a friend or family’s home. Then, ask yourself what you would feel comfortable using. This step will help guide you as you plan out what entertainment features you want for your extra room. Details like a smart speaker or TV can give your guests some options to help them relax.
Bathroom Access
A guest bedroom needs a private bathroom. One of the most awkward parts of a trip is needing to use the restroom and not feeling like you have any privacy. When planning out the space, consider a few factors to help you make it one your guests will love. Start with the shower. You need one that is big enough for comfortable use, has accessible storage and is accessible from the guest room. Once you have the basic features set, you can begin to have fun with your design and create a space your guests will love.
The most important thing you can give your guests is the gift of privacy. When designing, start planning your privacy features. While creating your design, consider details like blackout curtains to how much distance there is between rooms so that your guests will feel comfortable and relaxed. Create a sanctuary for your guests that lets them have their own area in your house. When you factor in these features, you can create a space that people will want to enjoy throughout their vacation.
With a great guest room, your biggest challenge will be getting your guests to leave it.