What You Can Expect From Ductwork Maintenance

The ductwork in your home snakes around the walls and ceiling collecting dust, pollen, and other debris. If these pollutants continue to pile in your ductwork, it could lead to inefficient airflow and increased energy bills.
Take care of your system by scheduling an appointment with a trusted HVAC professional who will clean out the ductwork. Here’s what you can expect from a ductwork maintenance visit.
Regular Inspections and Cleaning
When an HVAC specialist arrives at your home, they will inspect the condition of the ductwork. They could be looking for general signs your HVAC system is due for an upgrade, such as leaks or blockages. Then, they’ll notify you of how they plan to clean the system.
Regular cleaning removes dust, dander, and other contaminants from the ducts and unit to open the vents. For severe problems, such as mold growth, the HVAC specialist may conduct a more thorough cleaning procedure. Getting your ductwork cleaned out on a regular basis protects the entire system from sustaining serious damage.
Part Replacements
Your HVAC professional might use custom molded plastic parts to replace sections of the ductwork. By switching out the old with the new, you’ll prevent further issues and mitigate the need to replace the whole system. If the specialist finds minor problems with filters, seals, or even sections of the ductwork, they can replace these parts before they worsen.
Enhanced Energy Efficiency
Think of how much work it takes to blow air through a blocked path. If the vents accumulated a large wall of dust or pollen, the system is likely overworking itself. After ductwork maintenance, you can expect improved energy efficiency from your HVAC system. You’ll be putting money back into your pocket and have a clean, reliable HVAC unit!
Improved Indoor Air Quality
Relax at home without the issue of allergies. Dust, pollen, and pet hair in ductwork could lead to allergy symptoms, such as puffy eyes and runny nose. Protect your family’s health by cleaning out the ductwork and improving the air quality. This way, everyone can breathe easy.
Increased System Longevity
Addressing minor issues stops them from worsening. Get the most out of your HVAC system by scheduling routine maintenance visits. Fully replacing the HVAC unit is a costly endeavor. Save yourself time and money by taking care of small fixes before they damage a larger part of your system.
If you notice changes to your utility bill or an increase of dust in your home, it’s time to make the call. Start reaping the benefits of HVAC maintenance when you schedule an appointment with a reliable specialist!