Ways To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient | Billy.com

Are your energy costs increasing? If it’s common for your bill to rise in the winter, you may need to find ways to make your home more energy efficient. From windows to light bulbs, you may need to update a few aspects of your home. Read on to learn multiple solutions for lowering your energy bill.
Update Your HVAC
Inspect your HVAC at least once per year to prevent it from breaking down. You don’t want to replace your system in the middle of winter or summer—which is when you need it most. You can also consider replacing your HVAC with an Energy Star-compliant system that can save you money in the long run.
Use Smart Appliances
Decrease your energy use with smart technology. Choose appliances that you can control from your phone or set on a timer. For instance, you may not need as much heat pumping through your home during the day when you’re at work. Use a timed thermostat to help you control the temperature in your home.
Choose Durable Materials
Whether you’re building a house or repairing a home to attract buyers, you want to choose the best materials. For instance, the right siding and insulation can make a huge difference on your energy bill. HardiePlank is a wise option because it looks great and it’s guaranteed to last 30 years.
Seal Your Windows and Doors
If you feel a draft in your home, you may have cracks in your windows or doors. Inspect exterior elements for damage every year and seal your windows and doors to prevent air—and energy—from escaping.
Change Your Light Bulbs
Switch your bulbs to energy-efficient options if you’re still using incandescent ones. You can save money on energy and materials when you use long-lasting LEDs, CFLs, and halogen lights.
Leaving a phone charger plugged in when you’re not using it can take up a great deal of energy—especially if you keep multiple in your home. In addition to chargers, you should unplug appliances. Clear your outlets of unused energy suckers.
Wash Clothes in Cold Water
Choose cold water over warm whenever possible, especially when washing clothes. Save your hot water for showers.
Use these tips and tricks to decrease your energy bill. Finding ways to make your home more energy efficient will save you money in the long run and may make your house more attractive to buyers. Don’t hesitate to improve your energy efficiency.