Turning your Bedroom into a Luxury Getaway

If you've ever gone on vacation and your room was your favorite part of it, then you know what it's like to want your bedroom to be a luxury getaway. Unfortunately, our bedrooms typically become one of the most cluttered rooms in our homes because they're hidden away from our guests. However, everyone deserves a place where they can relax after a long day. Luckily, you can make your bedroom into a luxury getaway. Here's how.
Use a Variety of Fixtures
Most bedrooms have at least one light fixture in the form of an overhead light. In many bedrooms, it's connected to the ceiling fan. However, lighting can instantly change your mood and make you more relaxed, so it's not something that should be forgotten about when designing your bedroom getaway. Instead, use multiple light sources to promote a calm environment, including a floor lamp and bedside lamp. You should also open your curtains during the day to help enhance your mood throughout the day.
Use Calming
Most spas and luxury hotel rooms are decorated with calming and soothing colors because they promote peace. On the other hand, bright colors can have the opposite effect on your mood. For example, while you might love the color yellow, it can cause you to be more alert at night instead of feeling relaxed.
If you want your bedroom to feel relaxing, consider natural hues, such as soft blues and pale greens. You can also opt for tans.
Give Yourself Seating
Of course, you can always sit on top of your bed, but a bedroom should have more than just a mattress for furniture. So instead, consider giving yourself a different seating option that you can use for daytime activities such as reading. The good news is you don't have to have a lot of space to create a seating area. Instead, you can use a chaise or Papasan chair.
If you have a lot of clutter on your dresser and bedside table, then you might be causing yourself more stress. After all, clutter causes stress and collects dust, affecting how well you breathe in your room.
Instead of leaving your surfaces cluttered, reorganize them by purchasing storage solutions that allow you to utilize more space that's out of sight, such as your closet or under the bed.
Once you've decluttered your surfaces, it's time to take a look at the entire room. Having too much stuff doesn't allow you to relax easily in your bedroom. Plus, it makes getting around more difficult. Look around your bedroom and make a list of items to move out of the room. If you have workout equipment or a desk, consider moving your furniture out of the bedroom so you can only focus on relaxing while you're in the bedroom.
Having a desk or exercise equipment in your room can make you feel like you should be doing something other than relaxing when you're in your bedroom. Instead of making yourself feel guilty about not working out, you can focus on yourself.
Consider Bedding
Many people spend a few extra bucks on a nice hotel suite because of the luxury bedding. Bedding is one of the most important things to consider for your bedroom because not only can the color and design of the bedding promote a certain mood, but it has a direct impact on how comfortable you feel when you're in bed.
There's no reason to skimp on your bedding. Instead, purchase the best ones you can find to get the quality sleep you deserve.
Make Your Bed
If you're someone who shoots out of bed and starts their day, you may want to consider adding a task to your morning routine to make your bedroom feel more like a hotel suite. Making your bed is a good habit to get into because it will allow you to feel accomplished as soon as you wake up in the morning. Still, it can make you feel like you received housekeeping after a long day of work (even if you were your own housekeeper).
Add Mirrors
Hotel rooms give you the sense of space because they typically have a large mirror on the wall. If you want to make your bedroom feel larger, consider putting a large mirror in it which can enhance your space. Place mirrors in the areas of your room where they can reflect the most light.
Get a Rug
A comfortable rug can help you feel more comfortable in your bedroom. A big, fluffy rug works best around your bed so you can keep your toes warm as soon as you leave the covers for the day.
Maintain Cleanliness
It's one thing to clean your bedroom so you can feel more relaxed, but bedrooms can easily get messy and cluttered if you're not careful. Maintaining the cleanliness of your bedroom can help you feel like you're in a luxury hotel every day. Once you give your room a deep clean, maintaining the room is easy. All you have to do is make sure you clean your room once a week to pick up anything that's not in the proper place and regularly wash your linens.
Get a Breakfast Tray
Nothing feels more like a luxury getaway than eating breakfast in bed. Even if you live alone and have to make your breakfast, you can pamper yourself every Saturday morning by allowing yourself to eat breakfast in bed. Just make sure you don't leave any crumbs behind so you can avoid ants. If you spill anything, make sure to clean it as soon as possible.
Buy a New Mattress
Getting a new mattress is something you should do every six to eight years, so if you notice your bed isn't as comfy as it once was, then it's time to go shopping. A comfortable mattress is key for making you feel like you're on vacation in your own home. Remember, it's called a bedroom for a reason, so your bed must promote relaxation and a good night's sleep. Plus, if you’re on a budget, there are plenty of great Amazon sellers that offer quality mattresses at any price point.
Marné Amoguis
Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego. She is a contributing writer at 365businesstips.com where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing. Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.