Top Storage Tips for Your Home Office |

Do you want to work from home? Do you or your kids need a quiet space to catch up on work or school? To keep your space clean and tidy, we're providing some of our top storage tips for your home office!
Embrace Boxes
Boxes will come in handy for storing documents, folders, mail, and any other paper items, whether you use boxes that fit the decor of your office or plain cardboard boxes. When your filing cabinets run out of space or you have items you don't use as often, put them in a box and keep them in a closet or on a shelf.
Consider Open Shelving
When you store everything out of sight in a closet, drawer, or cabinet, it can be a nightmare to find things. Plus, open shelving lends itself to a variety of DIY projects—think of all the boxes, binders, and other items you might make to fill your shelves!
Construct a Built-in Desk
When it comes to office management, a built-in desk can be your saving grace! You should build your desk with your exact requirements in mind. Do you prefer having shelves and drawers all around you as you work, or do you want a little more desk space? There are plenty of DIY instructions available to help you build a built-in desk if you're handy.
Store Your Cords
The number one reason your office feels cluttered or messy is because of a tangle of unmanaged cords. To keep all your cords together, try to set up all your devices in the same place. Using zip ties, secure the cords together and place them in a drawer or behind your desk.
File It Away
Having a well-organized document management system can make all the difference. Spend some time creating a structure that works for you by identifying your various filing folders or sections for future reference. Make it a habit to file or trash your documents as soon as possible.
Pin It
Purchase a corkboard and pushpins, a whiteboard and markers, or a magnetic board and magnets to reduce paper clutter. Only keep the most critical information on your board and file the rest away. Then, there will be no more sticky notes or scraps of paper strewn about your desk (which means fewer memos will be forgotten!)
We hope you have enjoyed some of our top storage tips for your home office. While it can be difficult to set up a home office, it can be even harder for couples who are sharing office space. If you’re sharing your office space with your partner, look here for some great tips.