Top 5 Home Repair Tools To Rent Instead of Buy

Homeownership demands ongoing maintenance and repairs. Those repair and maintenance projects demand certain tools, but not every tool is worth buying outright. In fact, many are occasional-use items that will take up space when not in use, rarely justifying their initial expense. Renting the following tools is almost always the smarter choice. Rentals minimize clutter, save dough, and ensure you have access to high-quality equipment that gets the job done right. Here are the top five home repair tools to rent instead of buy.
Floor Sanders
On average, you’ll only need to sand a hardwood floor four to six times in its lifespan. Therefore, buying a floor sander is a bad idea. Renting a sander ensures a professional-grade machine for the job without sinking a chunk of your bank account into a device that gathers dust and takes up space in the closet or basement. The only guarantee you’ll get from buying a sander is that you’ll wonder why you bought it in the first place, no matter where you keep it.
Power Washers
Power washers are in the same boat as professional floor sanders and are fantastic for cleaning patios, siding, driveways, and similar large areas. Unless you’re especially fastidious, however, it’s unlikely you’ll use it more than once a season. Renting a power washer keeps things clean while saving money. You’ll also save even more since you won’t need to winterize or maintain the device when not in use.
Tile Cutters
Bathroom and backsplash projects often demand tile cutters, but you’ll rarely use them beyond these once-every-decade projects. Renting provides the tool when you need it, for as long as you need it. Get those perfectly precise cuts without taking up storage space in your basement, attic, garage, or workspace.
Carpet Cleaners
Keeping carpets clean ensures a healthier and better-smelling home space. But it’s not a job you must do that often (usually, a spritz of cleaner and a good vacuuming takes care of messes and odors in the interim). Rent a carpet cleaner, then return it to the store the next day. Another benefit is that you always have access to the latest model for optimal cleaning.
Most homes make do with a good seven-foot foldable ladder and (maybe) an extendable ladder for gutter cleaning. Otherwise, most specialty ladders are unnecessary, not to mention bulky. Rent specialty ladders for taller ceilings and more pitched roofs. Few homes have the wall or floor space for a 24-foot ladder; however, most homes have a place to stow a folding ladder. Also, the taller the ladder, the more it costs. Rent, don’t buy!
Those are the top five home repair tools to rent instead of buy. Renting tools offers significant financial benefits, from lower upfront costs to avoiding long-term expenses. Build out your workshop by purchasing only those tools you should always buy (i.e., the ones you use most often). Saws, hammers, screwdrivers, drills, and others will always find multiple uses in your home improvement efforts through the years.