Tips To Prepare Your Home for a Storm

Severe weather can have a major impact on your life and home. It's a good idea to have a plan in place that helps you navigate through any challenging situation that may arise, especially if you live in an area that is vulnerable to extreme weather or natural disasters. With a few safety precautions and foresight, you can keep your family and property as safe as possible and rest assured that you are able to handle anything that comes your way.
Power Backup
One of the most important things that you need to take care of in advance is a way to power your home. If a bad storm knocks out the power, you may find that you are left to find a way to get through several hours or even days until the appropriate authorities are able to address the problem. Hurricanes and winter ice storms are just a few of the weather situations that may leave you without the lights on. Having a backup up power source is especially important for the winter months if you live in a place with dropping temperatures. Extreme cold can pose a threat to your health and safety, not to mention the damage that broken pipes and other structural problems can have on your home and finances. Don't let yourself be caught in a situation where you wish you would have taken action sooner. Invest in a power backup to feel more secure in knowing that you will be able to keep your family warm and your home functional even if the worst should happen. If you haven't already invested in solar energy, now is the perfect time to do so. Solar panels can be installed on your home or business to harness the light energy from the sun and convert it into electricity. This is a huge help for the environment in using a clean energy source, and is easier on your wallet. As an additional incentive, a solar battery is the perfect solution for your power backup in case of an emergency. This battery will store up any unused solar energy that your home produces. You can draw on this energy in the evenings and in the event of a power outage. The raging storm outside won't affect your ability to turn on the lights or use your electricity and appliances.
Home Prep
Preparing your home for a storm is a necessary precaution. Even if you are unlikely to experience inclement weather where you live, there is always the possibility of a fluke storm or even a problem with the local power company. Take some time and go over your home to make sure that you are ready for anything.
If you have any large trees around your house, you should keep them trimmed. If the tree, or even a few branches, are dying or unstable, cut them back. Weakened tree limbs can cause a lot of destruction if they would fall onto your home or even your vehicle. Other measures that you should take include cleaning out rain gutters and addressing any weak spots in your roof or loose siding. High winds and precipitation will only make these areas worse, if they don't collapse entirely. Windows should also be checked to make sure they are closed tight and don't let in too much air or moisture. If high winds are something that your area experiences often, consider high impact glass that can withstand some smaller debris. In the event of a hurricane or other type of intense storm, try to board them up to prevent breaking glass and interior destruction.
Food Stores
Keep your kitchen and pantry stocked with food. Non-perishable staples are a must for some easy meals that can be prepared in any circumstances. Canned goods and other prepared and packaged foods that don't require temperature regulation are best. Plenty of clean, bottled water is another must. If you have small children, then have a good supply of baby formula or powdered milk available.
Emergency Kit
Accidents can happen at any time, even when you are stuck at home due to a storm. In these kinds of situations, the roads may not be safe to travel, so have an emergency kit ready to care for any minor injuries or problems. Small cuts and scrapes can be dealt with at home if you have the proper supplies. Gather bandages, an antiseptic, and some basic medications so that you are prepared. If anyone in your family takes a prescription medication, refill as soon as possible so you always have an adequate supply to last a few days if you can't make it to the store. Other items that are great to include in an emergency kit are a flashlight or two, extra batteries, some blankets, a radio, and some basic tools. Hopefully, you will never need these items, but it is best to be prepared.
Staying in touch with your family during a severe storm or natural disaster is a priority. Have a plan in place ahead of time and make sure everyone in your family unit knows it. If possible, designate a contact person outside of your immediate area. In the event that someone was away from home when the storm hit, or for any reason cannot contact you in your home, a neutral party can relay information and be a gathering point in case of separation. Make sure that everyone, including children, knows important telephone numbers and addresses.
One of the things that often gets overlooked when preparing for the possibility of a storm, is boredom. Obviously, serious matters take precedence, but once you've done all you can in that area, you still need to pass the time. Keep the kids entertained and the adults minds off the situation by having a store of books, cards, and games available.
Stay informed on the local weather so that you are aware of any approaching storm. Preparation will let you rest easy knowing that you have done all you could and you are equipped with what you need to make it through a tough couple of days.