Retaining Walls 101: Why It's Important Not to Do It Yourself? Who to Contact for Installation?

Retaining walls serve many purposes and function to ensure soil does not become displaced. A property owner might use a retaining wall to ensure the soil doesn't run off when it rains, to improve the appearance of their property, or to establish a flat area in an otherwise sloped landscape. Homeowners may attempt to build a retaining wall on their property without professional assistance, but doing so can be a mistake. What are the benefits and drawbacks of a DIY retaining wall project? How can a professional be of help with this task?
Do-It-Yourself Retaining Walls
A homeowner might decide to build a retaining wall on their property without professional guidance for a variety of reasons. For instance, they may wish to keep the cost of the project down and feel doing the work themselves will be help to achieve that goal. Some people love trying new things and believe this project is within this skill set.
When some homeowners start looking for a retaining wall design that blends with the landscape, they don't find exactly what they want. This leads them to tackle the project on their own, as they feel this will allow them to control the design of the wall. While these all serve as good reasons to handle the project independently, homeowners must be aware of one major drawback.
The complexity of retaining wall projects is beyond what many homeowners imagine when they start on the project. The individual must choose the right materials for the area, determine where to place the wall to ensure the highest level of soil retention, and decide which drainage method should be used for the project. A wrong decision when it comes to any one of these elements could lead to a failure of the wall.
If this happens, the homeowner must call in the professionals. At that time, they may need to remove the wall and start anew. If any part of the project can be salvaged, the professional crew must take that into consideration when moving forward and determine how best to fix the issues that led to the failure. This adds to the time and costs associated with the project.
Professionally Installed Retaining Walls
Why should a homeowner work with a professional for retaining wall installation projects? A professional crew brings knowledge to the project many homeowners lack. For example, they understand soil mechanics and how they play a role in the design and installation of the wall. In addition, they are aware of relevant building codes and ensure the project remains in compliance with these codes.
A professional retaining wall installation crew has access to high-quality materials the homeowner might find to otherwise be cost-prohibitive. The crew often receives a discount for buying in bulk and may pass the savings on to customers. Furthermore, the builder can install the wall in less time, in most cases, and will work with the homeowner to find the right design for the property and the homeowner's needs.
Nevertheless, homeowners might find the builder cannot complete the job faster than if the homeowner did it themselves. The time needed to complete the work depends in part on the complexity of the project. Furthermore, the cost increases when a professional crew handles the work, as they must be paid for their labor. However, homeowners should recognize part of the labor cost is for the crew's expertise, which can be priceless.
Consider both options when the time comes to have a retaining wall installed on your property. Many people recommend relying on professionals for this project because no one wants to find their wall fails at the worst time. The risk of this happening decreases drastically when a professional crew is used.