How To Keep Your Home Cool Without AC in the Summer |

Spending time outside in the summer is going to hit a little differently after this last year. It might be incredibly joyful outside this summer, but it can still be unbearable inside, especially if you’re trying not to use your air conditioning or if it has broken down recently. Fear not! Here are some simple tips on how to keep your home cool without AC this summer.
Invest in Fans
A natural alternative to keeping your home cool without air conditioning is to get some fans. You can install ceiling fans wherever guests might meet, such as the kitchen and living room. You can also cool down by putting box fans in your windows to keep the hot air out and remain comfortable in the room you’re in.
Shut Your Blinds or Curtains
The next option you have is a simple one: shut your blinds or curtains. It’s important to let in light, but sometimes the summer heat can be too much. Resist the urge of turning on the air conditioning and instead close your home off from the sun’s warmth.
Get New Light Bulbs
Keeping the sun out of your home means you can’t rely on natural light to maneuver your way through the home. However, turning on the lights in your home can also turn up the heat in your home. A way around this is to buy LED light bulbs as opposed to incandescent. Making this change in your home can also save you some money, too!
Grill or Use a Crockpot
The last piece of advice on how to keep your home cool without an AC this summer is one you might not have thought of. Cooking on the stove and using your oven can add to the heat already entering your home. Use the stove and oven when temperatures are cooler, in the morning and at night. During the day, when temperatures are at their peak, slow cook a meal in a Crockpot or head outside and grill.