How To Hire Home Contractors Safely During The Pandemic

Home improvement spending increased by 8.7% this year, with consumers accounting for the largest boost at 11%, and professional contractor purchases at 3.8%. As people are confined to their homes because of the pandemic, they have more time to think and complete projects they have been putting off for some time. However, COVID has also changed the way home contractors are hired, adhering to sanitary measures and limiting social/physical contact to make sure that home renovation is safe and efficient.
Take Advantage Of Online Communication
Many businesses have suffered losses during the health crisis, forcing them to downsize and even shut their doors for good. However, many find ways to endure the pandemic by diversifying operations and revisiting financial strategies. Companies use virtual tools to advertise their business, send emails to potential clients, and use technology to conclude contracts. Thus, in addition to asking realtors, friends and colleagues for recommendations, you can also make the most of online research to locate the best contractors for your projects.
When whittling down candidates, look for online feedback to see how contractors perform. Send emails requesting quotes and proposals in accordance with your needs and budget, and follow-up by calling potential contractors. Instead of seeking in-person meetings, go for virtual meets using Zoom, Skype, or any other app that allows you to call and videochat. The short end of it is that you must do the negotiations and details of the work online or through phone calls and messages so that you can limit potential contact with the contractors and supervisors.
Discuss Safety Protocols
It is crucial, too, to discuss safety protocols and know what the company is doing to protect their workers and clients during the pandemic. Sanitation measures must be discussed openly to avoid contamination. For example, do contractors take temperatures of workers before work, and are face masks strictly enforced?
When workers appear at your doorstep, it is essential that they wear masks all the time. Play it safe, and provide hand disinfectant, wipes, soap, and towels so that workers can clean and sanitize their hands as often as possible. Ensure that you have spare gloves, masks, and slip on plastic for shoes or disposable shoe covers so that they can change their gear whenever necessary.
After The Job Is Done
Workers may need to come back several times to finish a project at your home. However, it is highly recommended that once a worker leaves for the day, the areas and surfaces which they have been working on are wiped down and disinfected. Although this might seem like a tedious process, cleanliness is very critical during this time.
If the job is a one-time gig, you might need to pay on the spot. Where possible, go for touchless payment options or pay using your phone. You can also do an online transfer if this is acceptable to your contractor. If handling money is unavoidable, wash your hands with soap and water after paying.
The coronavirus has created disruptions to daily living, and to keep safe, it is imperative that hygiene practices be followed when hiring contractors. Limiting personal contact, wearing masks and protective gear, washing your hands frequently, and cleaning surfaces can reduce contamination and ensure that work can still be done, even during the pandemic.