Effective Ways To Deal With Common Insect Infestations

Spring is in full swing in the USA, with the frosty days of winter making way for sunny days and warmer temperatures. Spring is also the time of year that countless insects hatch from their eggs and make their way into our gardens and homes. While some insects are a welcome sight, others can rapidly cause an infestation that can cause physical discomfort, mental anguish, and even damage to your property. Thankfully, most insect infestations can either be prevented or eliminated with minimal effort. Let’s look at how you can win the war against spiders, ants and fleas this spring.
Some spiders don’t belong in your home
Spiders love the comfort and safety provided by a dry, warm home. Although most spiders, such as the American House Spider and the Daddy Long Legs are harmless to humans, others, like the Black Widow and Brown Recluse, are considered dangerous, with a bite necessitating medical attention. You can reduce the prevalence of spiders in your home by regularly dusting and vacuuming, especially in corners and dark, undisturbed places. Although broad-spectrum insecticides can help protect your home against an eight-legged infestation, there are a number of more natural approaches you can take as well. A simple DIY spider spray made from water and a few drops of orange or citronella essential oil can effectively repel spiders. You can also catch and relocate them if you are brave enough.
Ants can be hard to get rid of
Ants may be a very important component of our ecosystem, but once they invade your home, they can contaminate food and cause extensive damage to wooden structures. Certain species of ants are even known to spread diseases such as salmonella and Streptococcus. Ants enter homes in search of water, food or shelter. By limiting their access to these, you can reduce the risk of an infestation considerably. Once you have established whether you have acrobat, carpenter, odorless house, or pharaoh ants living in your house, you can invest in the correct products to get rid of them. Just remember that whatever store-bought or homemade remedy you employ has to kill the entire nest in order to be truly effective. Once the ants have been banished, keep them out by wiping down surfaces and vacuuming regularly.
Fleas cause discomfort to humans and pets
Fleas are among the most irksome of insects known to make their way into our homes. They start hatching in early spring, and are very active until the weather starts changing again in fall. Considering that a flea can live for up to three months, lay 60 eggs a day, and jump nearly a foot, it's not hard to see how a few stray fleas can quickly turn into an infestation. Flea bites can cause severe itching in humans, and are even more troublesome to pets. Although it might be necessary to call an exterminator in the case of a severe infestation, there are a number of ways in which a homeowner can both prevent and address a flea infestation. Vacuum anything made from fabric, including carpets, curtains, upholstery and pillows, regularly, and pay extra attention to pet bedding. Bath your pets weekly, and make use of specialized products that will kill off any fleas and prevent a secondary infestation from occurring.
Insects may be important to our ecosystem, but a home infestation is never desirable. Luckily there is more than one way to effectively reduce the risk of an infestation taking place.