DIY Home Security (DIY Projects that anyone can do)

One can never be too careful when it comes to home security. Thinking about what happens with your home while you are away on a vacation or trying to secure your second home? Here are some tips on how to make sure your home stays safe while you’re not around.
Install Window and Door Alarms
Putting an alarm only on your door is not enough. Burglars aren’t quite polite people and have no problem breaking the window glass and entering your home that way. Therefore, you want to secure each and every opening of your home with GE sensor alarms.
They are easy to install and cost no more than $70. However, they aren’t hardwired and aren’t able to notify you if you are away.
Make Sure You Have Self-Defense
If you would like to have a weapon to defend yourself but would prefer to avoid real guns, there are alternatives. One thing you can do is purchase an air pistol or stun guns on Amazon.
Whichever weapon you decide to use, make sure to keep it somewhere hidden, and in a safe.
Other than weapons, in case you have to confront a burglar you can use a baseball bat, pepper spray, or a knife.
Prevent Burglary With the Outdoor Lights
The thieves want to remain hidden. No burglar likes to be in plain sight and under bright light. Therefore, you can make a small investment in an outdoor lighting system. You want all parts of your home to shine in the night so that there is no corner for thieves to sneak in.
Most outdoor lights are powered by solar energy and can be installed with a few screws and a bit of drilling.
Home Security System
Having a fully functional home security system is, of course, the best thing you could do. However, it can be expensive. So, until you have a bigger budget, you could buy one or a few wireless security cameras and put them to guard a couple of corners. Most models are waterproof, can use WiFi, and have night vision.
What is particularly convenient about these cameras is that they can connect with an app on your phone, so you can monitor your home in real-time.
Also, don’t forget to put cameras indoors as well. You don’t want to interfere with the privacy of your family and guests, but you probably want one or two cameras around your living room or hallways, for example.
Lock Every Entry
It might sound needless to say, but people tend to forget that some burglaries could have been prevented had the owner locked all the entries they could. For example, are you used to leaving the gate unlocked? Or worse, are you forgetting the back porch door open? If yes, it might be a great time to start locking them regularly.
They Shouldn’t Know You’re On Vacations
Unlike in movies, in reality, thieves try to avoid owners and prefer to strike when you’re not at home. So, announcing that you’re on vacation on social media is not a good idea. Also, you want to leave the lights or radio on, looking as if you’re there. Or, you can ask a friend to pick up your mail and mow the lawn.