Common Misconceptions About Tap Water Safety |

Water is an essential component of life. Food, water, and shelter are all people need to survive. When it comes to tap water, though, many people are hesitant to drink it. They believe tap water increases the risk of illness because it’s not as purified as bottled water. Read this guide on the common misconceptions about tap water safety to dispel these myths.
It’s Dangerous To Drink
Perhaps the most prevalent myth surrounding tap water is that it’s dangerous to drink. Far too many homeowners avoid their tap water because they believe they’ll get ill from contaminants. The truth is, tap water is only dangerous if it’s unpurified. If your tap water comes directly from a reservoir or water treatment facility, it’s perfectly safe for consumption. The United States has some of the safest tap water to drink. But keep in mind that discoloration in your tap water may be the first sign of unsafe drinking water. The same is true if it has an odd odor or flavor. If you purchase a faucet filtration device or other type of water filter, you can safely drink the water.
It’s Bad for the Environment
Another common misconception about tap water safety is that it’s bad for the environment. The truth is that using reusable cups or containers is more sustainable than purchasing plastic bottles or gallons. High demand for plastic water bottles requires a lot of resources, like fossil fuels, to create the plastic containers. Also, this leads to more litter in oceans and natural ecosystems. If you can drink from your tap water, do so.
You’re Drinking Sewage Water
This one may seem tricky depending on where you live. If you live in a rural or secluded area connected to a well water source, it may seem like you’re drinking unsanitary water. However, don’t be alarmed. Unless your sewer main breaks, you’ll never risk drinking sewage water from your water line. If there is a break in your water main, call a professional service team as soon as possible. They have the knowledge and experience to service the issue and ensure safe drinking water from your tap.