7 Crucial Things to Remember When Moving to a New Home

Did you just get your new home? Congratulations! Having a new dwelling is exciting yet overwhelming. A lot needs to be prepared, especially when it’s moving time. From settling legal documents to packing, there’s already too much to do. And you wouldn’t want to miss out on anything important. Moving in is not just about bringing all your belongings to the new place. If you won’t stay organised, you may find yourself still buried deep in your to-do list during move-in day.
We know how stressful transitioning to a new home can be. That’s why we created this checklist of seven crucial things to remember when moving to a new home to help you get first things first. Read on, familiarise yourself and be ready to settle in.
1. Create a priority list.
The moment you decide to move out of your old apartment, your mind will be racing with to-dos. From pre-move to post-move essentials, some things must be prioritised over the others. If you can make a priority list for these tasks, your moving in process will run smoothly.
A priority list should be done at least one or two months before the move-in day. Listing down items according to priorities will require you to identify which is the most important and needs to be done immediately. The first priority includes those related to cleaning, safety concerns and packing/unpacking of essentials. The second ones are those that can be completed within the month, such as organisation, registration, maintenance and remaining unpacking of belongings. Third priorities can be those you can do within the year like landscaping or renovation.
If the area is totally new, you may also need to research the nearest banks, schools and healthcare facilities. How about setting up new accounts? Add these to your priority list.
2. Arrange your utility connection.
Before you move into your new home, your utilities must all be ready: gas, water and electricity. On moving day, you just need to verify whether they are all set up. The cooling and heating systems, phone and Internet must also be installed prior to that day.
Why should you do the utility-related tasks in advance? It’s because you may need to set up a new account, transfer what you have or close it, depending on your new location. You wouldn’t want to wait long before you get your connections in your new house. Different rules may also apply to urban and rural settings so it’s better to know about them earlier to avoid further delays.
3. Change your mailing address.
More than letting someone know that you have a home, an address is important in making everyday transactions. From opening a bank account to getting your driver’s license and registering your kids to school, they all need your address.
Updating your mailing address should be part of your priority list. Your online accounts and other business transactions will also need this. Otherwise, you’ll be in trouble when you have to make new purchases or have something mailed to you. Before you move out, make sure to update your friends, families and colleagues, as well as your bank, subscription services or loan providers. If you will move to a new state, you may also be required to update your driver’s license and vehicle registration.
4. Change your locks.
When you get into a new place, immediately changing the locks is a good habit. It’s an act of securing the place. This will assure you that only you and your family have access to your new home. You never know what the previous owners did with their keys.
Changing your locks on all outside doors is a simple task. If you can’t do it by yourself, you can contact a reliable Newcastle locksmith. A locksmith service can also help you fix any issue that you may have in your door locks.
5. Locate the water valve and the fuse box.
In case of an emergency leak or you need to make repairs, you have to shut off your water. Or if there’s a power outage, you need to find your way to the fuse box. Therefore, early on, when you’ve just moved it, determine where these things are located. This will help you get to them quickly when you need to access them.
A fuse box is commonly installed in the garage, basement or storage room. Meanwhile, your water valve can be both inside or outside your new home. A water valve can be that of your own or the company’s shut off valve and water metre, which are usually found outside the house. Not only should you know where to find them. You should also check whether they are working well or need to be replaced. Additionally, a fuse box should be properly labelled to know which part controls what part of the house.
6. Set up a home security system.
To prevent potential break-ins in your new home, installing a home security system is essential. It will give you peace of mind and secure both your family and your property. If a system is already in place, check how it works with your provider and ask them to activate it. Make sure that you will have strong codes and that you will change your passwords regularly to prevent hackers from getting into your system.
7. Schedule a cleaning.
Unpacking your belongings will probably leave you with dust, dirt and garbage. The previous owners might have also left without polishing things inside the house. That’s why you have to schedule a thorough cleaning and make your house in top condition. You may also add a maintenance checklist to make sure your new house will always be in a good shape. You can do it yourself or you can opt to hire move-in cleaners.
Moving into your new home should not be too exhausting. Manage the new beginning of your new life with this checklist of things you need to consider as you move in. Although these are just some of the many tasks that you must do around your house for a successful move, they will give you a great head start.