12 Home Upgrades to Make Before the Summer

The snow has finally come and gone, and now it's time to get ready to spend more time outdoors. Spring is the best season to start making home improvements because you can open the windows and let the fresh air breeze in while working on your home. Whether you want to spend more time outdoors or you're tired of your home's interior, now is the time to start planning how to upgrade your home before summer. Check out these home upgrade ideas to get you started.
Clean Your Gutters
Summer comes with rain, which means your backed-up gutters can become a real problem for your home, causing cracks in the roof and potential leaks and water damage. The best way to ensure your house doesn't start leaking during a bad storm is to clean your gutters during the spring. All you have to do is get yourself a sturdy ladder, a bucket, and some gloves so you can start scooping out dirt and debris from your gutters. Once your gutters are clean, spray them with your hose to eliminate leftover dirt that can accumulate.
Upgrade Ceiling Fans
Spring is a great time to consider your ceiling fans. While you might have had your fans off during the winter, you're probably going to want to dust them off and turn them back on when the weather gets above 70 degrees again. A high-quality ceiling fan can help your home stay energy efficient while also improving air circulation and helping you stay cool on hot summer days without turning on the air conditioning.
Perform Maintenance on Air Conditioner
If you can't stand heat and humidity, now is the time to check your air conditioner and make sure it's working properly. You can hire an HVAC professional to inspect and perform maintenance on your air conditioning unit, but you should also replace your air filters since you'll be using it more often.
Power Wash Your Home
During the winter, your home's exterior can get dirty from melting snow and wind. To make your home look brand new on the outside, consider power washing your home, driveway, deck, and patio. Power washing will make your house look new, but it will also improve curb appeal.
Get a Smart Thermostat
If you want to save a few bucks on your electricity bill this summer, consider swapping out your old thermostat for a smart thermostat to improve your home's energy efficiency. A smart thermostat can help you save money without sacrificing comfort.
Clean the Windows
Now that the sun is coming out more, you'll be able to see every piece of dirt, streaks, and even bird droppings that you couldn't during the winter. Cleaning your windows can help the sunshine into your home to help you feel more awake and refreshed. Additionally, it will simply look better to have clean windows free of all the dirt accumulated during the long winter.
Consider Home Decor
Many people enjoy changing their home decor depending on the season. During the winter, you might decorate your home with darker colors and heavier blankets and pillows. However, you'll want brighter colors that match your mood during the spring and summer. You can change the decor in every room of your home, including your bedroom and living room, to make them look brand new for the season.
Revitalize Your Lawn
Snow and ice damage lawns, but that doesn't mean your grass has to stay dead forever. If you want your home's exterior to look more inviting when you come home from a long day of work, or you want your kids to have a nice, soft area to play on the weekends, consider revitalizing your lawn. Luckily, you can find a lawn plan that can help you grow grass depending on the soil type and where you live to ensure your grass is green during the warmer months. Before you start fertilizing your lawn, think about whether or not there will be people on your lawn. If you have a pet or children, try not to use products that can cause allergic reactions in pets and children.
Put Up a Fence
During the cold months, your pet might not have wanted to go outside. However, now that it's getting warm out, your dog will want to spend every second outside. By putting up a fence, you can give them a perimeter that allows them to wander around your property without risking them getting out. -
Reseal Your Driveway
Your driveway takes a lot of abuse throughout the year, but it's most noticeable during the warmer months. You can expand the life of your driveway by resealing it when you notice cracks and holes. Taking care of your driveway can also keep your car in good condition since you won't have to worry about driving through dramatic dips just to park your car.
- Paint Your House
Spring is a great time to paint your house because it allows you to spend more time outside in the warmer air so you can accomplish long tasks. If you've wanted to repaint any part of your home, now is the time to do it. The fresh air will help your paint dry quickly, and it's also not too hot out to leave your windows open if you're repainting the interior of your home.
- Renovate the Yard
If you have a large backyard but never spend any time there, it might be because you haven't taken the necessary steps to make your backyard into your own personal oasis. If you love spending time outside, you can add seating, a grill, and even a deck to your yard to make it a more inviting place to spend your time. Renovating your backyard doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive, and you might find adding something as simple as a swing or hammock can give you a reason to spend more time outback.
Final Thoughts
Crisp spring air and more sunlight can make you feel energized enough to start and finish long, complicated home projects. Additionally, since the atmosphere is more comfortable than in the winter and summer, spring is the perfect time to upgrade your home before the summer heat arrives. Upgrading your home doesn't have to be expensive or complicated; you can make your home your favorite place to spend your summer with just a few of these simple projects.